teal green laurel branch iconR8_altText

Moon Circles

Heal and grow through lunar energy

Here at Crystal Manifestations, we believe that we need to start consciously looking after our Four Bodies – The Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual. When we do this, we become connected and aligned; our intuition becomes sharper and life just flows. But we need to put in the inner work first, and this is something that Moon Circles can help you with.

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 teal green laurel branch iconR8_altText



Participate with us

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the magic of moon-aligned rituals, all women are welcome. Connect with like-minded individuals, experience the power of shared intentions, and embark on a journey of spiritual growth. Our gatherings offer a diverse range of experiences, including guided meditations, energy healing sessions, and ritual ceremonies. Join us in creating a sacred space where healing energies flow and intentions manifest.

Contact me at contact@crystal-manifestations.co.uk or,

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Key elements of Moon Circles

Moon Phases

Different phases of the moon carry distinct energies that influence emotions and spiritual experiences. The Full Moon brings release, and heightened intuition, while the New Moon signifies new beginnings, intentions and introspections.

Group Connection

Moon Circles emphasise the power of collective energy and shared intention. By coming together to form a supportive community, we can foster unity and connection. The group dynamic amplifies the energy of individual intentions and experiences.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Moon Circles involve ceremonies aligned with the specific moon phase. These include meditation, visualisation, energy healing, and chanting with the intention of harnessing lunar energy for transformation and healing.


Intention Setting

We can also use Moon Circles as an opportunity to set intentions or goals for the upcoming lunar cycle. Whether written down, spoken aloud, or silently affirmed, these intentions gain potency through the energy of the moon.

Reflection and Release

Full Moon Circles focus on reflection and releasing what no longer serves us. This may involve acknowledging and letting go of negative emotions, old patterns, or stagnant energy. New Moon Circles are for planting new seeds of intent for growth and manifestation.






Benefits of Moon Circles

Reiki and Crystal therapy works with your Chakras and Auric field and wider environment. Moon Circles are for Women only, it's a chance for us girls to go deep, reconnect with our Raw Feminine Energy, find our inner Goddess and validate ourselves. This is a beautiful place to be, invest in YOU and feel yourself flourish as your personal energy shifts and your vibration rises. This creates a ripple effect.



. Moon Phases .

new moon symbol highlighting moon phase in white

New Moon

new beginnings and intention settings

waxing crescent moon symbol highlighting moon phase in white

Waxing Crescent

planning and taking action


first quarter moon symbol highlighting moon phase in white

First Quarter

growth and challenges

waxing gibbous moon symbol highlighting moon symbol in white

Waxing Gibbous

patience and commitment

full moon symbol highlighting moon phase in white with stars and circle pattern

Full Moon

releasing and harvesting

waning gibbous moon symbol highlighting moon phase in white with stars and circles pattern

Waning Gibbous

gratitude and forgiveness


last quarter moon symbol highlighting moon phase in white with stars and circle pattern

Last Quarter

releasing those bad habits

waning crescent moon symbol highlighting moon phase in white with stars and circle pattern

Waning Crescent

rest and refresh 





A tent set up for a Moon Circle Gathering



Explore Moon Circle Gatherings

We will help you explore the magic of Moon Circle gatherings, and help you harness the energy of the moon for your own growth, healing, and transformation. In the right setting, the Moon can take us all on a journey of healing and self-discovery. You can learn about the profound benefits of participating, from enhanced self-awareness and emotional healing to the empowerment of intention setting.

Contact us to explore the collective energy of a supportive community and the transformative power of aligning with the natural rhythms of the moon.

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